the rye commitment
The Board of Education of the Rye City School District understands that a world class education requires hard work and dedication from everyone in the community. We take our responsibility of overseeing the education of our children in an equitable, inclusive environment very seriously.
News & Updates
Dear RCSD Community,
Happy Friday the 13th! We have successfully completed our first full week of school for the 2024-2025 school year. Students have quickly settled into classroom routines and there is great energy in all the schools. The fall sports season at the High School is well underway and Middle Schoolers have begun modified sports. Both have been enjoying the glorious fall weather this week.
Dear RCSD Community,
Welcome to the first Community Update of the 2024-2025 school year! For those of you who are new to the schools, I began sending Community Updates to all parents, teachers, and staff via email every Friday at 3:00 p.m. as a way to keep everyone informed about what was going on in the schools during the Covid-19 lockdown. People seemed to like them, so I’ve kept it up.